To start using PySVG you must first create the files with extension (.txt) containing the input data for each type of graph in the on the selected path. An important aspect to consider is output file will be generated in the same directory where is the input file.
Command Line Usage (Abbreviated)
~$pysvg [--h|--help] [--prefab=GRAPHTYPE] [--delim=VALUE] [--x=VALUE] [--y=VALUE] [--title=STRING] [--xlbl=STRING] [--ylbl=STRING] [--yrange=VALUE] [--yinc=VALUE] [--ygrid=yes | no] [--animate] [--filtered] [--legend] ... ~/inputFile.txt |
Standard Parameters:
1. Getting input data --prefab=[bardiagram|bardiagram3d| piechart|scat|lines]: Type of chart for drawing. --x=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field that will hold X component. --y=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field than will hold y component. 2. Including additional elements --title=[string]: Chart title. --legend: If specified, controls the placement of the legend. --xlbl=[string]: Specify axis X label. Only for scat and lines chart. --ylbl=[string]: Specify axis Y label. Only for scat and lines chart. --name=[string]: Specifies legend label of the first data group. Only for scat and lines chart. --name2=[string]: Specifies legend label of the second data group. Only for scat and lines chart. 3. Animating SVG --animate: Graphic shows the visual effects animation. Only for pie chart. 4. Filtering --filtered: Graphic shows the effects of filtering 5.Helping -h,--help: Prints this help.
Chart Parameters:
--color=[string]: Color of bars. --color2=[string]: Color of the second group of bars. --barwidth=[numeric-value]: Specifies the width of the filled bars. --vals: if is specified display numeric value near the top of each bar --delim=[numeric-value]: Specifies the numeric separation between bars or groups of bars. --yrange=[numeric-value]: Specify an explicit axis numeric range usually the minimum. --yinc=[numeric-value]: Specify a numeric axis increment amount. --ygrid=[numeric-value]: If "yes" specified, grid lines will be drawn[PIECHART] Parameters:
--values=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field that will hold numeric values for the pie slices. Pie slices will be displayed as proportions of the sum of all values. --labels=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field that will hold labels for the pie slices --colorfld=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field that will hold colors for the pie slices.[SCAT] Parameters:
--x2=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field that will hold X2 component. --y2=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field than will hold y2 component. --ptsym=[circle|square|triangle| diamond|invertedtriangle]: Controls the shape of the first data set point symbol. --pt2sym=[circle|square|triangle| diamond|invertedtriangle]: Controls the shape of the second data set point symbol. --ptsize=[numeric-value]: Controls the size of the data point symbol. --ptcolor=[string]: Controls the color of the first data set point symbol.. --pt2color=[string]: Controls the color of the second data set point symbol. --corr: Compute and display correlation and regression curve.[LINES] Parameters:
--x2=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field that will hold X2 component. --y2=[numeric-value]: Identifies the data field than will hold y2 component. --ptsym=[circle|square|triangle| diamond|invertedtriangle]: Controls the shape of the first data set point symbol. --pt2sym=[circle|square|triangle| diamond|invertedtriangle]: Controls the shape of the second data set point symbol. --ptsize=[numeric-value]: Controls the size of the data point symbol. --ptcolor=[string]: Controls the color of the data point symbol. --pt2color=[string]: Controls the color of the second data set point symbol --fill=[string]: If specified, the area under the plotted first line to be filled with the given color. --fill2=[string]: If specified, the area under the plotted second line to be filled with the given color.